The Foley catheter is a tube that helps drain urine from the bladder. It is used by some patients who have had urological or gynecological surgery, Urine bags with outlets,s or who have a condition that makes urination difficult. The urinary (Foley) catheter is placed into the bladder through the urethra, the opening through which urine passes. The catheter is held in place in the bladder by a small, water-filled balloon. In order to collect the urine that drains through the catheter, the catheter is connected to a bag. Urine Bag with outlet It is either a regular (large bag) drainage bag or a small leg bag. If you have a urinary (Foley) catheter, you will use the larger drainage bag at night while you are sleeping. You can use the leg bag during the day.

Attaching or removing a leg bag

The leg bag is attached to your leg and allows you to move around more easily. Because the bag is hidden under your clothes, it may also make you feel more comfortable about the catheter.